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#ElectronicDevices #WeightGain #Bestie
Interrupts Your Sleep 00:59
Emits Blue Light 01:35
Takes Away From Other Activities 02:37
Turns You Into A Couch Potato 03:07
Distracts You from Physical Activities 03:56
Slows You Down 04:44
Makes You A Sitting Duck 05:21
Food Ads Trigger Cravings 06:10
Leads To Mindless Snacking 06:35
It has made Ordering Food Very Easy 07:01
Less Physical Activity At Workplace 07:37
Increases Dependency of Fitness Apps 08:12
Causes Distracted Dining 09:07
1. Interrupts Your Sleep: Your body produces a hormone called melatonin which is triggered by darkness. It makes people drowsy and helps them sleep better. This is why it's crucial for weight loss to have all electronic devices out of reach when you're ready for a night of restful slumber, because electronics can interrupt your sleep. If you want this hormone to do its job effectively, try putting the phone down an hour or two before bed.
2. Emits Blue Light: Electronic devices emit blue light, which is problematic before bed time because it disrupts melatonin production. Researchers conducted an experiment comparing the effects of 6.5 hours of exposure to blue light to the exposure of green light. They discovered the blue light suppresses melatonin for about twice as long as the green light and shifted circadian rhythms by twice as much leading to weight gain.
3. Takes Time Away From Other Activities: Making time to exercise is hard, especially in today’s fast paced world. It is so easy to accidentally spend that hour you had set aside for a workout scrolling through social media. You set your alarm early, but by the time you’ve checked your feed, answered emails and checked your horoscope, you’re practically late for work!
4. Turns You Into A Couch Potato: Why go outside and play when you have a world of entertainment at your fingertips? Gone are the days of “be home before the street lamps come on”. It’s easy to pass the time on the couch scrolling away. Friends can send funny videos back and forth for hours, or go head to head in their favourite games. It’s not that it’s unsocial, this is actually a viable way of spending time with friends, but it’s certainly not active.
For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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