
AnCap Legal System: Crime Insurance and Compensation by Medical Donation

AnCap Legal System: Crime Insurance and Compensation by Medical Donation An Anarcho-Capitalist legal system would be more based on compensation than punishment. There is a problem when dealing with compensation because sometimes you could commit an act that is not able to be compensated for by wages of the criminal. There are two possible approaches I thought of. The first is that everyone has to have crime insurance in case they do an action so bad they can't compensate. The second is that people can undergo risky medical procedures or give their life in order to compensate for their actions. A person's life in medical terms could be worth a lot. They could donate a heart, kidney, etc. There could be lots of benefits. There is still an issue if people STILL can't compensate.

The Non-Aggression Principle has problems with risk. And this is an attempt to deal with a potential risk.


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