
CCP increases virus death toll by 50%; Governments around the world demand to know virus origin

CCP increases virus death toll by 50%; Governments around the world demand to know virus origin A Hubei resident publicly sued the Hubei Government for covering up the #CCPvirus spreading. That night he was summoned by police. 

China's economy shrinks for the first time since records began three decades ago. Its GDP falling nearly 7%.

Chinese authorities revised the virus death count in Wuhan, increasing it by 50%. Many believe the new number is still too low. 

Governments around the world demand the truth from China. They want to know how the virus originated, and say it may have come from a lab in Wuhan. (#Wuhanlab)

The G7 joins the call to reform the World Health Organization (#WHO) as Republican lawmakers call for its director general to resign.

NTD refers to the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, as the CCP virus because the Chinese Communist Party's coverup and mismanagement allowed the virus to spread throughout China and create a global pandemic.

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Exclusive: Wuhan funeral home staffer reveals real death toll of coronavirus:
CCP virus follows communist China ties:
Giving the right name to the virus causing a global pandemic:
Undercover video reveals new evidence on forced organ harvesting in China:
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