#PriyaVarrier is an upcoming Malayalam film actor who will be making her debut in the film 'Oru Adaar Love'. Recently, she was in news for a video clip that was released on social media from the song from the movie. #OruAdaarLove is a 2019 Indian Malayalam-language romantic comedy film directed by Omar Lulu. The screenplay was written by Sarang Jayaprakash and Lijo Panadan from a story by Omar Lulu, and produced by Ousepachan Vaalakuzhy under his production company Ousepachan Movie House. The film features Roshan Abdul Rahoof, Noorin Shereef, Priya Prakash Varrier, Siyadh Shajahan, Vaishak Pavanan and Michelle Ann Daniel and principal roles. #Dhruvvikram
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