All video (except the recap) of this entire project was all done weeks ago. Just caught up to finishing this series of uploads. Here's the source of where I pulled from to go about ebonizing my Jackson Soloist SLXT fretboard:
If you haven't already, go back and watch the previous videos leading up to this point which are here:
You'll see in my recap near the end of the video where I explain where I went wrong during this whole project, and I kept it all in these videos not only for a good laugh at myself but also as a reminder of what NOT to do if you decide to give this a try. Believe me, it is not this difficult at all if you don't pull the dips*** card like I did in the beginning and actually remember to stir your stain! Whatever, it's all good, hilarious, and I got to the final product regardless. It looks awesome and that's all that matters!!! I was able to get a bunch of laughs and joy out of this whole process, despite being cooped up inside during this whole lockdown. Thank you all for watching and continuing to support what I love to do here on this channel, and I hope all of you are remaining safe out there! Much more content to come.