

JEWELS UNISOULS- ZOMBIE HUMANS WHO DENY SOULFUL ONES THAT EXPOSE THE SLAVE OWNERS WILL BE SORRY egotistical beings are average joe & Jane organic portals that are religious on a indoctrination curse to think if someone is physically older than someone than that physically older person is more spiritually intelligent than the physically younger person and that’s false

I jewels unisouls is physically younger than my biological relatives that are zombies to accept the draconian slave owner teachings as truth but really is a false spirituality since they’re religious and don’t think for themselves like me so I’m way spiritually older than them

because I don’t worship cloned and agent celebs/false entity of a church or police/military/etc. narcissistic indoctrination systems that is a demonic curse from prayers as pray means be preyed on and even zombie classmates don’t comprehend me just like my zombie biologicals don’t even if they spoke same society language as me but they can’t comprehend my cosmic et language I speak

All the technology in the universes and zombie average Joe & Jane organic portal humans who follow the slave owners teachings and it’s hollywood famous person worshipping & church made up entity worshipping just fools still obeying the narcissistic indoctrination

humans with souls that air out the slave owner matrix on blast just shake their heads at zombie humans

Zombie humans that don’t dare question anything and just accept what slave owner media says they graduated from slave owner indoctrination university

The Movie us is example of zombie average Joe & Jane humans because the guy still needed confirmation from girl that lied to him after all the demonic things she pulled on him

Zombie humans that have watched my videos and statuses on the prison matrix seen every evidence there is from cloned & demon agent famous people from judges to generals to Sargents to sheriffs being draconians as examples to etc. and still wanna conform and get tattoos of these clones and agent shapeshifters so I no longer overwhelm myself sharing intel to zombie humans they’re waste of energy

I graduated from expressing for the heart chakra university but zombies who graduated from slave owner indoctrination university are dead to my potent cosmic talks even with the evidence exposed in their blind physical eyes

Yep all the zombie biologicals and classmates I known for many years in my rebirth life but are like strangers to me due to them being a average joe & Jane organic portal sheep that don’t question what I question are gonna be like dang we should’ve took heed to you imad aka jewels when you exposed the slave owners prison matrix

And ones I haven’t known for long time in my rebirth life (since I’m an old soul who existed before) but relate to me on a cosmic et extraterrestrial higher plain frequency that I felt like I knew for many years due to the natural connection have been rising with me to defeat the narcissistic indoctrinating demon realm alien slave owners

The more you question the non human slave owners and have terminologies you express that’s beyond comprehension and speak on et extraterrestrial frequencies & more advanced things of what average Joe & Jane zombies can’t see with their internal blind nature of living for the matrix here is this guaranteed I know from experience myself

It’s gonna less people you known for many years who will not speak to you rather it’s biologicals/classmates/neighborhood folks And only new people that gravitated to you are gonna be more in sync with you than those folks you known for many years because your growing intelligence of questioning things is on cosmic divine vibrations to where most of those folks you known for many years are just not in sync with you and it’ll shock you at first but once you find out they still in religion and worshipping famous people then you’ll see why those long time folks are not meant to be on journey to defeat these slave owners like these new people that gravitated to you for willing to not be a matrix slave

zombie humans and demon narcissists agents who think they’ll know a soulful being that questions everything of the slave owner matrix by studying is based off one day or from years back Are delusional

Because soulful beings spiritual intelligence of going with self will always increase so we souls will never be figured out even through all the studying it’s futile so agents and the zombie average Joe & Janes should give it up


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