
Worldwide concern for the 'fellow who’s got his finger on the bomb'

Worldwide concern for the 'fellow who’s got his finger on the bomb' RMIT Professor Joe Siracusa says mixed reports about the health of North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un is very concerning for the rest of the world because of his control over the country's nuclear weapons.

Kim Jong Un was reported to be in “grave danger” on Tuesday after undergoing major heart surgery, however China and South Korea have cast doubt over the reports.

Mr Siracusa told Sky News “we have to very concerned about the fellow who’s got his finger on the bomb”.

“South Korea can’t say anything without being accused of destabilising the regime, they don't want to rattle those people, they don’t do anything to upset them," he said.

“No one has denied that he has had a heart attack and he has had major heart surgery, the question is, is he gravely ill?

“When a regime has nuclear weapons, and no succession and we don’t know where the weapons are we have to be very concerned because what goes on in North Korea could affect the future of the world because they’re only people in that neck of the woods who would start World War Three inadvertently or intentionally, so they have to be very closely watched.”


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