
A spiritual person derives pleasure from soul. General Inquiry what It meansTo be spiritual Part3

A spiritual person derives pleasure from soul. General Inquiry what It meansTo be spiritual Part3 Bhagavad Gita General Inquiry:

Dear Viewer welcome to my channel.

This is a video series where I describe the qualities of a spiritual person. Please also view my other videos from the playlist to get an understanding of a spiritual person.

A spiritual person alway takes pleasure in the self His primary source of pleasure is the soul. There is a word in Sanskrit which is called “atmarama” . The word atma means soul and rama means taking pleasure. So atma rama means he who takes pleasure in soul, or she who takes pleasure in soul.

Sense enjoyment leads to karmic bondage which ultimately leads toward suffering. In order to free one from the suffering of this world, one must rise above sense enjoyments and start deriving happiness/bliss from the soul. Soul is the fountain of infinite joy. A spiritual person is indeed a true enjoyer of life.

A materialistic person works very hard to fulfill his/her senses and ego yet he/she remains in an unsatisfied state forever.

Now you must not think that a spiritual person does not engage in sense activities at all. He or she does engage activities to execute his normal duties such as eating, sleeping, procreating, etc which may lead to sense enjoyment. However, this short of sensual enjoyment does not create any bondage for attaining liberation as it is done according to guidance and principle of Dharma.

Your take away for this video:

For happiness and bliss turn inside. Your atma / I mean your soul is the source of infinite bliss which has no comparison to material happiness like house, car etc.

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