

CONSCIOUS 92 - A CALL TO RETURN The vision of this album,
Is to wake yall up, by the end of this album , my intention is to fill you with the insights to go out into the world knowing the mechanics of life , conscious of the power of thoughts , attracting through a conscious expansion through vibration, caring for people, coming from a place of love and feeling strong through the pain that only comes to visit. Knowing your a GANGSTA of spirituality, To be conscious to accommodate the energies you want to manifest through your life, to let my brothers know its manly to talk out of problems we hide away, to know how to love yourself more, and to put more love into our future by being conscious of the now we raise our children in.
This is the vision of this album.
A call to return

I want people to know who we are beyond the physical,
I have these insights to share with the world from the perspective of conscious92.
I want to ground alot which is up in the air at the moment, the worlds waking up and now is the best time people will finally understand what Im saying through my music.
Woke music speaks for itself and comes from a place of deep love light compassion and empathy after dealing with a life of depression, heart break, pain deception.
This album addresses the negative aspects of life ,
and brings them into the light ,
Giving them purpose by exposing the positivity thats being orchestrated through them.
This album is to drop the bullshit ,
To remind us how interconnected we are,
And get us returning to the thinking with the heart.


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