
Growth Hormone Isn't Just for Height Gain.

Growth Hormone Isn't Just for Height Gain. Zoey has 2q23.1 microdeletion syndrome, among other, genetic problems. This can cause insufficient production of growth hormone. I found a 2012 mouse study showing that the cause of short stature in the mouse model of her deletion causes growth hormone deficiency, but I couldn't get a physician on board to treat her until 2020, because our previous endocrinologist and neurologist said that growth hormone could not cross the blood brain barrier and that she would have a tiny head, yet big body. However, in 2005, a study found that HGH crosses the blood brain barrier by simple diffusion. Our new physician was open to testing Zoey for growth hormone deficiency and found she was severely deficient just like the mouse model. She had gone 8 years without adequate growth hormone in her body. Here are the results of just one month of growth hormone, and it's not limited to gain in height! Never stop advocating for your child! As a parent, you have the right to insist that physicians read scientific journal articles that you provide to them. They are certainly experts in their field, but there are a vast amount of scientific studies that they may not see because they have little time outside of clinic. It took six years for me to realize I had to advocate, and advocate hard. I had to be the squeaky wheel. The physician we had wasn't willing to listen to my squeaking, so we found a new physician with excellent ears and who is willing to read new research that I send to her. Enjoy the video.

Journal references regarding benefits of HGH

The MOUSE model of Zoey's MBD5 deletion that reveals growth hormone deficiency!

Nutropin,Growth Hormone,HGH,MAND,Autism,Short Stature,Motor delay,2q23.1 microdeletion syndrome,MBD5,Weak Therefore Strong,homeschool,special needs,special needs homeschooling,

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