A whistleblower report to Heilongjiang CDC obtained by NTD shows the coverup happening inside hospitals.
The Chinese Regime has been trying to change the narratives of the CCP virus by pushing its ‘mask diplomacy’ strategy around the world. Today we take a look at how the strategy works.
One of China’s most famous human rights lawyers disappeared almost three years ago. Now, his wife is calling on the US government to pressure China over his whereabouts.
And Hong Kong pro-Democracy protests ramped up over the weekend. A sing-along ends with hundreds arrested.
#WuhanCoronavirus #HongKongProtest #Coverup
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Watch more:
Exclusive: Wuhan funeral home staffer reveals real death toll of coronavirus:
Virus follows communist China ties:
Giving the right name to the virus causing a global pandemic:
Undercover video reveals new evidence on forced organ harvesting in China:
Full movie: ‘Claws of the Red Dragon’ exposes connection between Huawei and Chinese Communist Party: