One month ago, 27-year-old Thitania Williams received the most nerve-racking news from her doctor. 'You are going to need a heart transplant' she was told. She has been drowning in a sea of worry and frustration ever since.
Williams, a high school teacher, has been
trying to stay positive, after also suffering two strokes.
"I am scared. The doctor told me last month that I need a heart transplant, but I got diagnosed with the sickness over a year now. It is heart failure and enlarged heart. I need to come up with the money to get the transplant. It's overseas and I know that it's over US$100,000," she said, adding that she doesn't have that kind of money.
Williams' ordeal began two years ago when during her pregnancy, she suffered a preeclampsia, which is a pregnancy complication characterised by high blood pressure and potential damage to her organs. Doctors conducted an emergency C-section in order to save the lives of the mom and the child.
"Because of my pregnancy, I've developed hypertension and two heart conditions. One is heart failure and the other is called dilated cardiomyopathy, which basically means the heart is enlarged ... They have suggested that I have to get a heart transplant soon because I'm at the risk of sudden cardiac death," Williams said in a GoFundMe appeal.
The Roehampton Close, Kingston, resident told THE STAR that the situation has been incredibly stressful on the family. "I have three older brothers. The family reacted very sad ... they are worried. My mother is sick. She had a stroke and the left side of her body has been paralysed for over 10 years," she said.