
Indigenous community to 'determine the fate' of Captain Cook statue in Alaska

Indigenous community to 'determine the fate' of Captain Cook statue in Alaska Mayor of Anchorage, Alaska Ethan Berkowitz says the decision about the fate of a Captain Cook statue in the city shall be left to the local Indigenous peoples.

Mr Berkowitz told Sky news host Chris Smith, Captain Cook was "beyond a doubt" a terrific navigator and has some remarkable achievements.

He said the decision of whether the statue in the city shall remain or not is "less about Cook himself than it is about the symbolism of somebody who launched a colonial enterprise".

Captain Cook had sailed to the city in 1778 to map the famous Northwest Trade Route.

"What’s happening here is less a desire to take it down then to set up a process so that we can put it in context".

He said the Indigenous leaders will "will make a decision about the fate of the statue".


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