
Mars ingress Aries... are we ready for some activating and perhaps agitating Astrology?

Mars ingress Aries... are we ready for some activating and perhaps agitating Astrology? Mars ingress Aries. Are you ready? Is the world?

Let's also talk about Virgo Moon's opposition to Pisces Mars at the Lunar Bendings and about the coming Waxing Half Moon alignment. Here's what I wrote for Astrology Hub's Cosmic Updates...

6.27 6:45pm Pacific
First-Quarter Libra Moon watches Mars come home to Aries

You're ready to launch that rocket ship, but resist the urge to rush. Let Mars' sextile with retrograde Saturn remind you pace wins the race for there is serious tension in the other's air today. Patience is the game. Hold space then wisely choose what to say, what not to say, and what not not to say.

Love and Rockets,
Gemini Brett
Arts of the Chart

Astrology,Philosophy,Spirituality,Mythology,Mars,Aries,Ingress,Grand Cross,Fire,Agression,War,Peace,Balance,First Quarter,Waxing Half,Pioneer,Explorer,Dignity,Gemini Brett,

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