
Big Thanks to the Folks at Fox

Big Thanks to the Folks at Fox BIG THANKS TO THE FOLKS AT FOX
[When lies have become the norm,
TRUTH is inflammatory!]

Twitter rages...Kids in cages...
Turning the Middle ages....

Big thanks to the folks at FOX
Whose heads and hearts are filled with rocks
They love the way Duh Furor talks
Then lead attacks on all he mocks
Big thanks to the folks at FOX

OH...Duh Furor is my name
And lying is my game
It's brought me dough and lots of fame
And still no sense of shame

[Spoken: Was my mouth moving?]

Out pops another lie,
My pathological condition:
I lie, then deny, then perpetuate the lie
With endless repetition

Big thanks to the folks at FOX
Whose heads and hearts are filled with rocks
They love the way Duh Furor talks
Then lead attacks on all he mocks

Take Doocy, Ingraham, Pirro:
Credibility well below zero
Duh Furor is their hero
Big thanks to the folks at FOX

OH...Duh Furor is my name
And cheating is my game
It's cost me dough, dame after dame,
But brought no hint of blame
[I just LOVE the poorly educated!
You know, your diabolical evangelicals
or is it evangelical deplorables...
It's HARD...No, wait...I remember:

Oh, a treaty's like a contract
It doesn't mean a thing
Why pay those bills...
except to shills
To cover a manly fling

[Now, what do they call those fling thingies?
Oh, yeah...many people don't know...
They're called pecker dildos?]

OH...Duh Furor is my name
And chaos is my game
It's brought me dough and lots of fame
Though every claim is lame

Just keep your eyes upon that prize
Say anything to get a rise
Defend the haters...
Embrace dictators...
Despise the guys who are true allies...

Chorus: Big thanks to the folks at FOX
Whose heads and hearts are filled with rocks
They love the way Duh Furor talks
And lead attacks on all he mocks

Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity
Both sacrifice their humanity
When they stroke Duh Furor's vanity
From inanity to insanity
Big thanks to the folks at FOX

OH...Duh Furor is my name
And hatred is my game
It's brought me dough and lots of fame
And sets my fans aflame

I pick a fight and thrive on spite
Take great delight in being trite
Claim day is night and dark is light
That black is white... & wrong is right
Might makes right and
Blacks're a blight,
[Uh-huh, THAT'S RIGHT!

Big thanks to the folks at FOX
Whose heads and hearts are filled with rocks
They love the way Duh Furor talks
Then lead attacks on all he mocks
Big thanks to the folks at FOX

Turning pages...Twitter rages...
Kids in cages...The Middle ages....
Ah, the good ol' days....

©2020 Tim McMullen
All rights reserved


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