First we get 30g of zinc sulfate and dissolve it into 100mL of water.
Zinc sulfate was made back in our video on making a copper sulfate and
zinc battery:
Then connect the item you want to galvanize to the negative terminal of a 5 volt power supply. Connect the positive terminal to a strip of zinc metal.
Zinc metal was obtained from our video on getting useful materials from batteries:
Immerse both electrodes into the zinc sulfate solution and keep them from touching. Then turn on the current and run it for about one minute to give the metal a zinc coating.
Remove the object and now it's galvanized.
To test the rust protection, place it on top of a paper towel soaked in saltwater. You should also place an unprotected item next to it for a good comparison. Cover the towel to prevent evaporation and wait a day or two.
The treated object should remain rust-free, perhaps developing a white crusty coating. The untreated object should start to rust.