
Airing 3: Indiegogo Scam By Any Other Name is Still A Scam. Hoseless CPAP Not Even Close.

Airing 3: Indiegogo Scam By Any Other Name is Still A Scam. Hoseless CPAP Not Even Close. Links:
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5.) Support us AND clean your stinky dirty mask. You can also buy a great mask for CHEAP!
6.) Tell people that need a sleep study or help with OSCAR or CPAP Therapy about

Thank you!!!

Yup. Airing is still a scam. They have still defrauded people out of funds through indiegogo for an item without a working prototype. Now they claim to be working on a rechargeable battery for this product. How about coming out with original idea that people invested in first. Guess it doesn't matter with a scam.

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