
The Dabbat al-Ardh refers to the computer and internet.!

The Dabbat al-Ardh refers to the computer and internet.! In the End Times, when people have forgotten the religion, when Darwinism and materialism are widespread, when irreligion is widespread, when it is difficult to convince people of the truth and when the religion has assumed an odd form, then He says "We will produce a Beast from the earth", meaning manufactured from the Earth. Something that does move. Now, our Prophet (pbuh) describes the Dabbat al-Ard; "When the Dabba speaks, the whole world will hear it at the same time." That alone makes it clear. It is immediately clear that it means the internet, the computer. Because look, he says "it speaks somewhere, and the whole world hears it." How is that possible? Like this. "Its face is like a human face." When you turn it on you see a human face there. In all probability the face of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will be seen in the Dabba. Because he says, "He is bearded." We will see the face of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) in that image. That is what it suggests. And he says, "The Dabba has arms and branches and a tail, tens of thousands of kilometers above and below the earth," though he refers to units called leagues. What is this? Internet cables have covered the entire earth.

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adnan oktar,harun yahya,adnan hodja,mahdi,hazrat mahdi,jesus will come,english,muslim,music,why,where,when,who,what,which,turkish,turkey,ottoman empire,how,video,watch,turks,mehter,evolution,is,the,with,can,be,came,band,turkish islamic union,do,does,return,did,new,a9,tv,end times,was,vs,people,Dabbat al-Ardh,dabbat,

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