
#6 - Women Cheat Because Their Husband Has Lost Interest In Them【 #WhyWomenCheat? 】

#6 - Women Cheat Because Their Husband Has Lost Interest In Them【 #WhyWomenCheat? 】 School has FAILED us terribly, no one taught us anything about love & relationships - how to FIND THE RIGHT LIFE PARTNER, "Live Happily Ever After" with them and how to navigate through the rejections, heartbreaks and complicated situations when it comes to love.

JohnsonKhooTV was started to act as a guide for those who can relate so people can gain valuable insights and lessons from real life love stories and real life couples.

Wowwwz - an app and tech start-up - was started to build the tools to help make the process of meeting someone truly compatible much easier with the help of technology.

I hope to one day be able to solve ALL relationship problems, from finding the right life partner when you are single, to getting to know each other better, to resolving conflicts and creating more memorable moments together as you grow old together as a couple - once you have found them.

It is my personal mission to try to reduce the number of heartbreaks, divorces, broken families and lonely hearts in the world so that instead, there can be more couples living happily ever after with the love of their lives.

Find Out Why I Am Doing This:

Why Men Cheat:

Why Women Cheat:

8 Types Of Relationships That Won’t Work:

Relationship Truths:

Read About

My 10 Year Start-Up Journey & Challenges:

Why Am I Sacrificing My Life To Do This:

Relationships Truths:

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