
Coronavirus has been 'over played, over stated, and over dramatized'

Coronavirus has been 'over played, over stated, and over dramatized' Sky News host Laura Jayes says "whether you like it or not (China) is going to be a big part of the Australian recovery story" following the economic effects of the COVID-19 crisis.

Ms Jayes advocated for federation reform coming out of the coronavirus crisis, as one of the "best things to come out of this crisis is the simplification of things" especially on the back of the creation of the National Cabinet.

Sky News contributor Cory Bernardi criticised the extent of government's economic shutdown saying its actions are "sheer folly (which is) going to cost us enormously".

He told Sky News host Paul Murray the entire coronavirus reaction "has been overplayed, over stated, and over dramatised".

Image: AP


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