
Scratch Built 120% Scaled Old Fogey

Scratch Built 120% Scaled Old Fogey Scratch build and flight test video of 120% scaled Old Fogey.

Tiled Plans:

Under cambered wing with 46 inch span and 13.5 inch cord length.
Made from 5mm Depron.
Powered by 1000 kV motor with 3S 2200 mAH Lipo.
Servos used are HXT 900.
Fuselage length of 34 inch with a 23 inch vertical stabilizer and 12 inch horizontal stabilizer.
AUW of approx. 275 grams.
FRSkyTaranis X9D transmitter with V8FR-II receiver.

Music by

RC,Old Fogey,Remote Control AIrcraft,Remote Control,Aircraft,120% Scaled,Depron,Under Cambered Wing,Scratch Build,Flight Test,Foamie,RC Foamie,HomeLabs,

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