How do you keep things HUMAN in world that is becoming increasingly algorithmic, networked and run by 'intelligent' machines? Digital Ethics is going center-stage for every company and every brand, as the question quickly becomes not IF or HOW technology can do something but WHY it should. The ETHICS of TECHNOLOGY will be at the core of the debate for the foreseeable future.
My other films from this series can be found in this playlist:
Download all my short films via or via this direct folder link:
Creative commons attribution-non-commercial license applies!
If you like my films please consider my new book Technology vs Humanity
This series is produced by my film company, TFA Studio, headed by Jean-Francois Cardella (Producer and Film Director), see
Gerd Leonhard Futurist, Author and Keynote Speaker Zürich / Switzerland
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If you like my videos and shows, you can download all episodes via (look for the Gerd.Live folder or my keynotes 2020 folder)
Gerd Leonhard Futurist, Author and Keynote Speaker Zürich / Switzerland
(my latest book)
Audio-only versions of most of my videos are available via SoundCloud and Spotify see
My key memes and messages can be browsed here:
For booking inquiries please go here
If you enjoy my videos and talks, please take a look at my best-selling book “Technology vs Humanity” - it's now available in 12 languages!
Twitter: @gleonhard
Newsletter: www.gerd.digital