
DREAM! music for visualization of Desires

DREAM! music for  visualization of Desires Get everything you want with a 100% guarantee using a unique methodology for making wishes and working with the subconscious. 🤩 In order for the wishes come true, they should be correctly guessed. This checklist is an instruction for your dreams. 👇
Complete all the checklist items and your wishes will be fulfilled with a 100% guarantee !
There must be balance in the universe. If you got something, give something back. What comes for free is not valuable. The amount does not matter, the fact of exchange is important. Therefore, the checklist is "sold" at a symbolic price - the price of a cup of coffee ☕ $1.99
Payment on PayPal I will send a checklist to this email as soon as possible.

If you need a different payment method or have questions, write to Instagram

Получи всё что желаешь со 100% гарантией с помощью уникальной методитики загадывания желаний и работы с подсознанием. 🤩 Чтобы желания гарантированно сбывались, их нужно правильно загадывать. Этот чек-лист - инструкция к твоим мечтам. 👇
Выполни все пункты чек-листа и твои желания исполняться со 100% гарантией !
Во Вселенной должен быть баланс. Если что-то получил - что-то отдай. То, что приходит бесплатно - не ценно. Сумма не имеет значения, важен факт обмена. Поэтому чек-лист "продаётся" по символической цене - цене чашки капучино ☕ 200 руб.
Оплата на Яндекс.Деньги в примечании укажи емейл, на который я пришлю чек-лист.

Если нужен другой способ оплаты или есть вопросы пиши в инстаграм 👉

💫 Relax, spend 10-15 minutes alone in a quiet place for the music visualization. Begin to imagine that wish come true. Watch what happens after. How do you look like you smile? What's around you, wherever you are, on the left, on the right? What color objects? What are the names of these people, who are they? Who do you want to call to share? Just stroll mind, enjoy the fulfillment of a wish.

DREAM! music for visualization of Desires is a wonderful tool to address issues and problems that arise in your life. And with the help of music for visualization of Desires can achieve excellent results.

Each of us have cherished dreams and desires, and make it easier to get the desired result I want to share with you this music for visualization of Desires.

DREAM! music for visualization of Desires

On this channel you will find simple and effective techniques of meditation, a lot of music for meditation and relaxation. As well as the music for the concentration, music and sports training, music for the background and inspiration mantra. On our channel as well, you can have the music for sleep and hypnosis, meditation, attraction of love and meditation for women, meditation to attract money and success.

Make your meditation a daily ritual. Go beyond the body and mind, and you change your life.

Tell us about your meditation practice. Share with us your successes.

We look forward to your comments! 👇


❗ Whatever it does not prevent you from enjoying music. If you like what I do for you, you can help me realize my dream.

❗ I dream of the house for my family. This is my biggest dream! I believe that the Universe will help me. Probably it will happen with your help, if you give me a gift the part of your contribution my dream will come true and my family will own the house!

❗ You can support me with your faith, your comments or money!

✔ PayPal
✔ Yandex.Money

🙏 Very grateful to you, stay with me, there is still a lot of good quality music ahead.


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💚 Unique 7-step wish-fulfillment checklist 👉


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