
Go along with the laws of the world | Ali Reza Panahian

Go along with the laws of the world | Ali Reza Panahian Follow us:
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Go along with the laws of the world.

We live in a very orderly, calculated and responsive world. We should be in harmony with this very orderly world. We should go along with nature. We are living in the heart of nature. We can’t do just anything we want or we’ll see its reaction. We are living in such a world. We are not able to do everything we like.
The world is this way. These are not the whims of God, His Friends or the scholars. One should live in accordance with the rules of this world. One cannot live in opposition to it. Whoever wants to accept religion should first accept that the world is orderly. “Surely We have created everything according to a measure.” [Qur’an 54:49] With numbers and mathematics.
We want to work with these two systems, the system of a human being’s existence - his soul and body - and the system of nature. This needs a program. You should give me a brochure for me to know what to do!
It is as if a skilled physician, chemist or physicist has designed this dear Islam. All of its commands. Even such commands as praying, worshiping, waking up at dawn, and commands for a long ‘Qunut’ in the Midnight Prayer. How else should they tell us the physical aspects of the Midnight Prayer, which is truly a beautiful worship act?
It has been said that if you pray the Midnight Prayer, it will have a wonderful effect on your health. It will affect the physical appearance of your face. It’s been said that the Midnight Prayer makes your face beautiful and sweet. It has been repeatedly mentioned in the traditions. For example, “If you don’t dust and clean the house in this way, Satan will come.” or, “Satan will go under your nails or other places.” Some interpreters say that Satan in these traditions means microbes. They say this means something, which is annoying for a person’s life, will come afterwards.
There are commands about how to sweep the house. There are many details. How tall should the ceiling of a house be? The traditions say 3 meters. There weren’t many of today’s calculations at that time. People are breathing and carbon dioxide is being produced. People are inhaling and exhaling. They have designed these very accurately. Religion has been designed in this way.
God’s encouragements are strange. He says that if you follow religion correctly, “… they would certainly have eaten from above them and from beneath their feet…” [Qur’an 5:66] It’s talking about this world, not Heaven! What phrases God uses to encourage us! God says, “Come to Me on the correct path, and see what I will do with your life.” You’ll benefit from life very much! How else should God encourage us? We are living in such a world.
Religion has two suggestions for a person who wants to live comfortably in this world. One is that you gain the skill to observe these rules, like in driving where you gain the skill of using the brake, clutch and gear on time. Then, you’ll be comfortable. A tradition says, “Make yourself used to doing good deeds.” Then you’ll be comfortable. Religion has a second suggestion, which is much more beautiful. God says, “Is it hard to live in this very orderly world? When you were a child, you went to your mother’s embrace and took refuge in her embrace. Your mother would make up for your mistakes, change your clothes and plan for you. Come to Me in the same way. I’ll take your hands Myself and make up for it for you.”
If we eat an unhealthy food, will God compensate for us? What should I say so that those who hear these discussions from far won’t make fun of this? Yes, sometimes by praying our mistakes in eating will be compensated for too. Then, a person can gain spiritual and mental energy in order to compensate for the lacks in physical energy that he wanted to gain for his body. The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said, “A person’s strength is not from food; it’s from his intention.” It’s from the power of his intention that his body is strong.
We should see the world around ourselves as an orderly, very firm, very complicated, steely and regulated world. Then, we should start behaving carefully with this world. We live in a very orderly, calculated and responsive world. We should be in harmony with this very orderly world. We should go along with nature. We are living in the heart of nature. We can’t do just anything we want or we’ll see its reaction.

AliReza Panahian,rules,world,nature,reaction,religion,comfortable,God,harmony,

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