
A Time Of Great Tribulation

A Time Of Great Tribulation The casting of the censer in Revelation 8:5 marks the abolishing of the daily sacrifice in Heaven and the initiation of great tribulation on earth. Seven trumpets, seven redemptive judgements will impact the earth and all those living at that time. This is the judgement of the living.

Four devastations and three woes that make up the seven trumpets are meant to arrest the attention of everyone on earth for the cup of her iniquity is full and the wrath of God has begun to be poured out. This is a time where all will be challenged, tested and ultimately forced to make a choice to submit to the will of God, or take the Mark of the Beast and forever have their eternal fate sealed.

Following the the trumpets are seven bowls, seven vindictive judgements which will be poured out by the seven angels who had the seven trumpets. These plagues will afflict those who chose the mark of the beast and submitted to its image. Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light and the sign of the Son of Man will be seen imminent to His Second Coming.

Larry W. Wilson (
Two Steps From Hell - Skyworld

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