
The Hardest Karaoke Song in the World

The Hardest Karaoke Song in the World Iceland challenges you to sing The Hardest Karaoke Song in the World! Try to keep up with Steindi and discover the A-Ö of Iceland.

Give it a go and share your attempt #singIceland.

Discover more about the the A-Ö and you could win a trip to Iceland.

Song lyrics:

This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, so try to sing along.
This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, what could possibly go wrong?

I start my day with coffee or kaffi [coffee] is what we say I pour a little mjólk [milk] in and feed my horse some hey [hay] I look out the window to see if there is sól [sun]. I eat my morgunmatur [breakfast] and sit down in my stól [chair]. This eyja [island] is kind of awesome no matter what you see, There’s hverir [hot springs], list [art], and jöklar [glaciers] And vinir [friends] you can meet. Skál! [cheers!] So pack your töskur [bags] Iceland has it all. From austur [East] to vestur [West] Just don’t look for elves. You don’t even exist! This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, so try to sing along.

This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, what could possibly go wrong? Our sundlaugar [swimming pools] are cosy. Afklæðast [undress] all the way. But don’t forget sundskýla [swimming shorts] Before you go and play. You might see a torfbær [turf house] Or hike in the þjóðgarð [national park] And you must say hi to Villi Because that is my dad! Pabbi! [Dad!] And you can rent a bílaleigubíll [rental car] Enjoy the drive on hringvegurinn [the ring road] Be mindful of malarvegir [gravel roads] And don’t traðka [tread] on the moss - It grows back so slow! Like seventy years!

This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, so try to sing along. This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, what could possibly go wrong? Since the upphaf alda [beginning of time] The sheep has been around. Vinaleg [friendly] and gracious, Every man’s best friend. We cuddle them and klappa [pat them] And then take all their ull [wool]. We wear them like the kappar [champions] And they’ve always kept us… Full!

This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, so try to sing along. This is the a-ö [a-z] of Iceland, what could possibly go wrong? This is the a-ö [a-z] of Ísland [Iceland] So reyndu að syngja með [try to sing along] This is the a-ö [a-z] of Ísland [Iceland] Now memorise this lag [song] You just sang the hardest karaoke song in the world, you speak Icelandic.

You can even say Plokkfiskur [Icelandic mashed haddock and potatoes] You’re almost an Icelander, almost, seriously it’s a lot of paperwork. Just come and visit!

Iceland,Inspired By Iceland,Icelandic,Iceland Academy,Students of Iceland,Karaoke Iceland,Karaoke,Karaoke Songs,Lyric Video,Singalong,Travel Video,Karaoke Challenge,Regions of Iceland,Reykjanes,Reykjavik,Westfjords,East Iceland,West Iceland,North Iceland,South Iceland,Steindi,Suðurland,Vestfirðir,Vestfjörður,Vesturland,Austurland,Norðurland,

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